Grading Policies
Grading Scale
Kindergarten and Grammar School Grade Scale:
M Mastery (95% and above)
GL Grade Level (72-95%)
NP Needs Progress (Less than 72%)
Logic/Rhetoric School Grade Scale:
M Mastery (95% and above)
GL Grade Level (72-95%)
NP Needs Progress (Less than 72%)
Logic/Rhetoric School Grade Scale:
Note: There is no A+ (A is 4.0) and there is an Honors/AP grade point. Final semester grades are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Late or Missed Work (Required for Logic/Rhetoric)
“Missed work” is defined as work that was not turned in due to an excused absence or tardy.
“Late work” is defined as work that was not turned in on time even though the student was present and there was no excusable reason for it not to be turned in. Note that “excusable” in this context is the same as valid reasons for excusable absences.
Missed work for excused absences may be made up and may count for 100% of the grade. For an excused absence, the student will have one school day for each school day missed to turn in their work. Each school day beyond the allowed make-up period results in a 10% reduction per day to the grade for the missed work (up to a 50% reduction). The 10% penalty applies to all work turned in for each day late (Late work). For example, the student is in class, but the assignment is not done.
Work missed for unexcused absences (e.g., an in-class assignment) may be made up but can only count as 80% of the grade if turned in on the first school day after the due date and then a 10% reduction each school day thereafter. Truancy will result in a zero for any work missed with a teacher option to award 50% if the work is completed.
Missed work should be submitted in the same way as on-time work (i.e., if on-time work was specified to be submitted through Canvas, missed work should be submitted through Canvas as well). For work that is to be submitted in person, hybrid students may turn in the work on Tuesday (Wednesday for Logic) to count on time. If the student does not have that particular class on Tuesday (Wednesday-Logic), they still must turn it into the teacher or have it placed in the teacher’s box in the main office on Tuesday (Wednesday-Logic).
Parents and/or students are encouraged to keep an electronic copy of all missed work submitted. When turning in the missed work, the teacher must be made aware that it is missed work. In K-5, teachers will contact parents regarding missed work; 6-12, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate to obtain missed work.
Student athletes leaving campus early to attend a sporting event are responsible for turning in all work due that day before departing and proactively communicating with their teachers about how any missed work should be made up. Teachers may schedule make-up sessions for athletes to complete missed work that cannot be made up at home (tests, art projects, science labs, etc.) at their convenience. Any make-up sessions will be clearly communicated to students and parents via a Canvas announcement.
Teachers are to record that work was missed immediately so that parents are aware through Canvas by recording a zero for each missed assignment. This applies to unexcused missed work as well as excused missed work that was not turned in by the agreed upon due date. Note: the “clock” on students to turn in their work starts when the teacher posts in Canvas, so if there is a delay in posting the missed assignments the students get an equivalent delay in time to turn it in. If the description in Canvas is not sufficient to communicate what was missed, an email to the parents and student should be sent describing the missed work as soon as possible.
“Late work” is defined as work that was not turned in on time even though the student was present and there was no excusable reason for it not to be turned in. Note that “excusable” in this context is the same as valid reasons for excusable absences.
Missed work for excused absences may be made up and may count for 100% of the grade. For an excused absence, the student will have one school day for each school day missed to turn in their work. Each school day beyond the allowed make-up period results in a 10% reduction per day to the grade for the missed work (up to a 50% reduction). The 10% penalty applies to all work turned in for each day late (Late work). For example, the student is in class, but the assignment is not done.
Work missed for unexcused absences (e.g., an in-class assignment) may be made up but can only count as 80% of the grade if turned in on the first school day after the due date and then a 10% reduction each school day thereafter. Truancy will result in a zero for any work missed with a teacher option to award 50% if the work is completed.
Missed work should be submitted in the same way as on-time work (i.e., if on-time work was specified to be submitted through Canvas, missed work should be submitted through Canvas as well). For work that is to be submitted in person, hybrid students may turn in the work on Tuesday (Wednesday for Logic) to count on time. If the student does not have that particular class on Tuesday (Wednesday-Logic), they still must turn it into the teacher or have it placed in the teacher’s box in the main office on Tuesday (Wednesday-Logic).
Parents and/or students are encouraged to keep an electronic copy of all missed work submitted. When turning in the missed work, the teacher must be made aware that it is missed work. In K-5, teachers will contact parents regarding missed work; 6-12, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate to obtain missed work.
Student athletes leaving campus early to attend a sporting event are responsible for turning in all work due that day before departing and proactively communicating with their teachers about how any missed work should be made up. Teachers may schedule make-up sessions for athletes to complete missed work that cannot be made up at home (tests, art projects, science labs, etc.) at their convenience. Any make-up sessions will be clearly communicated to students and parents via a Canvas announcement.
Teachers are to record that work was missed immediately so that parents are aware through Canvas by recording a zero for each missed assignment. This applies to unexcused missed work as well as excused missed work that was not turned in by the agreed upon due date. Note: the “clock” on students to turn in their work starts when the teacher posts in Canvas, so if there is a delay in posting the missed assignments the students get an equivalent delay in time to turn it in. If the description in Canvas is not sufficient to communicate what was missed, an email to the parents and student should be sent describing the missed work as soon as possible.
- Students should receive their graded tests/quizzes/projects/papers within one week of the due date, with exceptions for major essays and projects that understandably may take longer to assess.
- Grades in grammar school should not be thought of in the same way grades in high school are. Students in early grades are more likely to be in very different places in the process of development. Excessively harsh grading should be avoided to account for such variations.
- Especially in grammar school, students should be given numerous opportunities throughout a grading period to demonstrate mastery of an objective.
- Teachers will update Canvas in a timely manner, with grades being updated at least once per week. Teachers should strive to post assignments in Canvas in advance whenever possible.