Attendance & Tardy Policies
Regular school attendance is required by law and a prompt arrival to classes is important for a successful education at Beacon Hill Classical Academy. This policy is written with both the individual and the school community in mind. BHCA’s attendance and tardy policy is motivated by the need for order and accountability. The following guidelines and procedures have been established regarding attendance, tardies, and early departures. Final judgment regarding the legitimacy of an absence or tardy (as it relates to academic reporting) rests with Senior Administration.
Excused Absence
- Illness or extended medical appointment – A note from a parent is sufficient for an illness or medical appointment resulting in an absence of no more than five school days. For illnesses longer than five school days, a note from a licensed physician is required. Parents are strongly encouraged to make every effort possible to schedule medical appointments for their children after school hours, or during school holidays.
- Death or funeral of a friend or family member
- Natural disaster
- Traffic accident that directly involves the student
- Law enforcement order or court subpoena
- Extraordinary circumstances or prearranged situations, with permission of Senior Administration.
- Death or funeral of a friend or family member
- Natural disaster
- Traffic accident that directly involves the student
- Law enforcement order or court subpoena
- Extraordinary circumstances or prearranged situations, with permission of Senior Administration.
Unexcused Absence
Absence from school for any reason not listed as an excused absence will be considered unexcused. All absences will be marked as unexcused unless a parent note stating an approved excuse is received within 24 hours.
Excessive Absence Policy
Students who miss 16 or more days in a semester (excused or unexcused), which represents approximately 20% of the semester, may be dismissed from Beacon Hill Classical Academy. If half or more of the absences are school- related or are the result of one catastrophic event (illness, accident, etc.), students may appeal to the Head of School for a waiver to this rule. Families should understand that if a number of absences are the result of choice (i.e. family travel), no appeal is likely to be granted.
Penalties for Excessive Absences
Excessive absences could be detrimental to a student’s academic achievement and progress.
Excused Tardy
- Any late arrival to school resulting from a doctor’s appointment (parents are strongly encouraged to make every effort possible to schedule medical appointments for their children after school hours, or during school holidays)
- Natural disaster
- Traffic accident that directly involves the student
- Extraordinary circumstances or prearranged situations, with approval of Senior Administration
Unexcused Tardy
Any late arrival to school for a reason not listed under an excused tardy. All tardies will be marked as unexcused unless a parent note stating an approved excuse is received within 24 hours.
Excessive Tardies
A student is allowed 3 unexcused tardies per semester for morning drop off times. In addition, a strict tardy policy will be in place for our Logic and Rhetoric School transitions and breaks. Due to the time constraints and movement between classes, it is imperative that each student arrives on time and is in their seat ready to work when the teacher starts class. Each student will be allowed 3 unexcused transition tardies per semester.
After the 3rd morning drop off tardy or transition tardy per semester, the following escalating discipline procedure will be applied:
4th: 15-minute detention – parent conference with Dean of Students
5th: 30-minute detention – parent conference with Dean of Students
6th: Campus clean up (early morning detention) – Conference with Dean of Students and Academic Dean regarding a possible disciplinary probation.
In addition, excessive tardies will cost house points at the end of each semester.
After the 3rd morning drop off tardy or transition tardy per semester, the following escalating discipline procedure will be applied:
4th: 15-minute detention – parent conference with Dean of Students
5th: 30-minute detention – parent conference with Dean of Students
6th: Campus clean up (early morning detention) – Conference with Dean of Students and Academic Dean regarding a possible disciplinary probation.
In addition, excessive tardies will cost house points at the end of each semester.
Additional Guidelines & Comments for all Students
- All students are expected to be in their seats in class and on time.
- A parent/guardian should call the school if a student will be absent or tardy on any given day. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the office of an absence.
- Excused absences do not exempt the student from completing assignments. It is the responsibility of the parent or student to determine class and homework assignments they have missed. In situations of extended absences, the parent and/or the student should contact the teachers directly to discuss strategies for making up missed work. See late work policy for more information.
- Students/parents who wish to communicate a pre-arranged absence (i.e., scheduled surgery, etc.) should contact their teacher(s) as early as possible.
- The school will maintain records of attendance for each student and will include on each student's semester report card the total number of absences and tardies for the given marking period.
- Parents wishing to pick up their child(ren) early from school must sign them out with the front office. Advance notice of such early departures is requested whenever possible.
- Students are not allowed to leave campus during school hours unless signed out by a parent, a person authorized by the parents on the “Authorization for Pick-Up Form” or accompanied by a faculty or staff member. This rule is in effect starting from the time students arrive on campus. Juniors and seniors may sign themselves out at the front office upon completion of their academic requirements for the day.
- Any requests for exceptions to this rule must be submitted in writing by a parent (note or email) at least 24 hours in advance and approved by Senior Administration. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, a phone call from a parent is not sufficient for the school to allow a student to leave the campus.