IntegrationIn each year of Rhetoric school, students concentrate their humanities study on distinct phase of civilization: the ancient and classical era, medieval era, the American story, and the modern age. Courses are intentionally designed to tie literature readings and art criticism to the historical and philosophical context they express and influence. In many cases, these conventionally separate disciplines are taught by one teacher in daily block schedule.
Primary SourcesOur humanities program is not a typical textbook-based curriculum. Students will study primary sources such as diaries, letters, legislation, and artifacts, alongside the selected arguments of key commentators. In literature and philosophy, our program focuses on the “Great Books” tradition. Our students deserve to understand their heritage directly from the sources, and not filtered through a dry academic encyclopedia.
DialogueOur program seeks to provide a robust alternative to the “one-way street” model of education in which the student’s role is to passively absorb information for an exam. We embrace a “dialogue” model instead. This not only means that Socratic dialogue and discussion method will be used in our classrooms, but that even private reading is to be understood as a dialogue
with the author, and that great authors and historical figures should all be seen in the context of a great dialogue – sometimes reactionary and heated! - with one another. |
Truth, the LogosFinally, we wholeheartedly reject the post-modern idea that all truth is humanly constructed and therefore relative. Gryphon Integrated Humanities is built on the axiomatic belief that one reality is participated by all people, that beneath historical and cultural particulars we share a common and objective human nature and destiny, and that any disciplined and determined intellect can rise to transcendent truth, beauty, and goodness. Because we confess Christ, the incarnate Word of God and the savior of mankind, we are free to explore the whole vast history of human existence in the light of His Light.