What We Teach
In Logic school, students begin their study of Latin grammar. We use a challenging and engaging text: Latin for the New Millennium. By the time they are finished, students have learned many hundreds of Latin vocabulary words and read minimally-modified selections from Caesar, Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, Pliny the Younger, Vergil, and Augustine. Students finishing all three years of Logic school will have covered all of the major grammatical concepts in Latin grammar.
In Rhetoric school, students study Spanish. Students learn elements of grammar, but the primary objective is to teach students to converse with their Spanish-speaking neighbors. Beacon Hill is situated providentially among many thousands upon thousands of Spanish-only speakers and many more for whom Spanish is their first language. To minister faithfully in this context, our students must be able to communicate.
In Rhetoric school, students study Spanish. Students learn elements of grammar, but the primary objective is to teach students to converse with their Spanish-speaking neighbors. Beacon Hill is situated providentially among many thousands upon thousands of Spanish-only speakers and many more for whom Spanish is their first language. To minister faithfully in this context, our students must be able to communicate.