Upper Campus Discipline
Because BHCA is a discipleship school, any disciplinary actions will be based on biblical principles, repentance and forgiveness, and restoration of relationship. The vast majority of discipline will happen at the classroom level between the teacher and the student. For more serious violations of school rules, as well as for a pattern of repeated minor violations, the following procedure will be the guide.
All discipline begins with faculty as teachers establish and maintain consistent classroom expectations, both socially and academically. General behavior concerns are ideally handled within the context of class time and teacher/student relationship. The purpose of discipline is to provide accountability and a clear pathway for reconciliation when appropriate. To the best of our ability, we shall always seek after repentance, reconciliation, and restoration when a discipline occurs.
Upper School Disciplinary Office Visits
The following behaviors qualify for automatic visits to the office:
Upper School General Discipline Procedure
When it is necessary to remove the student from the classroom and refer them to the office, this general policy will be followed:
Detentions are assigned for dress code, attendance and tardy infractions, and may also include serious violations. Serious violations include but are not limited to: displays of disrespect or rebellion towards a teacher or staff member, dishonesty (including violations of BHCA’s academic integrity policy), misuse of technology on School, fighting, and the use of obscene, vulgar, or profane language. Detentions will be served within one week of assignment. Detentions on upper School will be served during a lunch period.
For serious misconduct, detentions may be bypassed and suspension may be imposed immediately. Examples of serious misconduct include but are not limited to: acts endangering the lives of others, gross violence, theft, vandalism, and illegal activity (whether it happens on or off School, during school hours or outside school hours). Students must remember that while enrolled at Beacon Hill they are always representatives of Christ and our school. Suspensions and expulsions require meeting with and/or approval by the Head of School.
Beacon Hill Classical Academy realizes that expelling a student from school is a very serious matter and should always be carefully dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Forgiveness and restitution are fundamental to our total discipline policy. However, should a student demonstrate a repeated disregard for our community and standards, the student will be expelled. Student expulsion generally results when a student’s behavior or attitude is negatively affecting our school culture.
All discipline begins with faculty as teachers establish and maintain consistent classroom expectations, both socially and academically. General behavior concerns are ideally handled within the context of class time and teacher/student relationship. The purpose of discipline is to provide accountability and a clear pathway for reconciliation when appropriate. To the best of our ability, we shall always seek after repentance, reconciliation, and restoration when a discipline occurs.
Upper School Disciplinary Office Visits
The following behaviors qualify for automatic visits to the office:
- Disrespect shown to the teacher or any adult.
- Dishonesty in any situation while at school, including lying, cheating, and stealing.
- Rebellion or willful disobedience or defiance in response to instructions.
- Fighting: striking or pushing in anger with the intention to harm another student or faculty member.
- Obscene, vulgar or profane language, as well as taking the name of the Lord in vain.
- Bringing weapons or illegal substances onto School.
- Skipping class without a good reason or leaving School without permission.
Upper School General Discipline Procedure
When it is necessary to remove the student from the classroom and refer them to the office, this general policy will be followed:
- 1st offense: Student conference with Administration, student and parent provided official warning by phone call or email from Administration.
- 2nd offense: Student conference with Administration, student and parent provided official warning by phone call or email from Administration. Lunchtime detention or alternative discipline assigned.
- 3rd offense: Student conference with Administration. Lunchtime detention or alternative discipline assigned. Parent meeting with Senior Administration.
- 4th offense: Student conference with Administration. 1-3 Day Suspension Assigned. Parent meeting with Senior Administration.
- 5th offense: Meeting with Head of School & Senior Administration regarding an escalated disciplinary plan, pending Expulsion.
Detentions are assigned for dress code, attendance and tardy infractions, and may also include serious violations. Serious violations include but are not limited to: displays of disrespect or rebellion towards a teacher or staff member, dishonesty (including violations of BHCA’s academic integrity policy), misuse of technology on School, fighting, and the use of obscene, vulgar, or profane language. Detentions will be served within one week of assignment. Detentions on upper School will be served during a lunch period.
For serious misconduct, detentions may be bypassed and suspension may be imposed immediately. Examples of serious misconduct include but are not limited to: acts endangering the lives of others, gross violence, theft, vandalism, and illegal activity (whether it happens on or off School, during school hours or outside school hours). Students must remember that while enrolled at Beacon Hill they are always representatives of Christ and our school. Suspensions and expulsions require meeting with and/or approval by the Head of School.
Beacon Hill Classical Academy realizes that expelling a student from school is a very serious matter and should always be carefully dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Forgiveness and restitution are fundamental to our total discipline policy. However, should a student demonstrate a repeated disregard for our community and standards, the student will be expelled. Student expulsion generally results when a student’s behavior or attitude is negatively affecting our school culture.